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The Hubercarb® Q-FSMA Calcium Carbonate Series
Formulated Specially for Animal Feed and Nutritional Supplementation
Huber's ground calcium carbonate (GCC) is your ideal calcium choice for your next animal feed or nutrition supplement formulation to achieve optimal health for farm animals. Our exclusive Hubercarb® Q-FSMA calcium carbonate grades are produced from a specialty, high purity source to ensure you receive the maximum calcium content so your animals and livestock are receiving the proper nutrition they need to be healthy. High purity deposits contain up to 38% elemental calcium, dependent on trace impurities. Selection of the proper particle size, purity, brightness and consistency are key parameters for your animal feed and nutrition application.
Contact us today for a Hubercarb Q-FSMA sample or for more information about our Hubercarb Q-FSMA calcium carbonate products for animal feed and nutritional supplementation.