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Refractory Applications

Huber has a complete and comprehensive line of Martoxid® calcined aluminas used for refractory applications. The product range includes coarse, medium and fine grades, as well as high purity products for your most demanding applications.
Martoxid® advantages include:
- Outstanding Fired Density
- Excellent Durability
- High Mechanical Strength
- Reduced Mixing Water for Refractory Applications
- Extraordinary Chemical Resistance against Slags, Gases and Fluids
- Low and Very Low Soda (Na2O) Content Aluminas
Huber's Hydral® and Martinal® alumina trihydrate (ATH) grades are also used in refractory applications. They help to overcome thermal shock where the ceramic in the refractories must withstand extreme temperatures, both during the firing and subsequent use in the glass industry. The endothermic decomposition of ATH and expulsion of water vapor acts an initial cooling system and overcomes stress cracking issues within the blocks and conveyor system.