HEM In The Community

Only when our actions are in accord with our Principles, can we maintain the high standards we have set for ourselves as a Company.

HEM In The Community

Huber Engineered Materials' (HEM) employees genuinely convey a special sense of camaraderie when it comes to improving the quality of life and well-being in the communities where we operate.  Scroll down to view more information.

Marblehead, Illinois
(Non-Halogen Fire Retardant Additives)

  • Provides cooling fans to the Salvation Army to assist in providing summer heat relief for the elderly.
  • Collected donations to assist a young lady with leukemia. 

Quincy, Illinois
(Calcium Carbonate)

  • Participation in the annual Toys for Tots toy collection campaign.
  • Donations of calcium carbonate which is used as a "line marker" for athletic fields in Quincy and other surrounding communities.

Fairmount, Georgia
(Non-Halogen Fire Retardant Additives)

  • Providing funds and food to MUST Ministries, a volunteer program devoted to assisting the basic needs of children and their families
  • Partners with the Cartersville Service League by helping women subjected to domestic abuse
  • Relay For Life & American Heart Foundation Donor

Marble Hill, Georgia
(Calcium Carbonate)

  • Partners with the Pickens Country Children and Family Services department to purchase Christmas gifts for foster children and kids living in group homes
  • Donated an array of school supplies (crayons, pencils, notebooks and scissors) to nearby Tate Elementary School
  • Participates and sponsors the Marble Fest 5K, proceeds go to bible study groups

Atlanta, Georgia
(HEM Corporate Headquarters)

  • Supports the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children.
  • Participates in the annual Kaiser Permanente® Corporate Run/Walk to raise funds for several Atlanta-area charitable organizations.
  • Contributes food and toys to MUST™ Ministries, a volunteer-driven metro Atlanta organization addressing the basic needs of families, children and individuals.
  • Provides boxes of clothing and goodies during the holiday season to the Calvary Children's Home.

Kennesaw, Georgia
(Non-Halogen Fire Retardant Additives)

  • Sponsors "Cops for Kids" , a charity organization dedicated to providing children and their families with the basic necessities of life
  • Donations to the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services that helps underprivileged families and children

Bauxite, Arkansas
(Non-Halogen Fire Retardant Additives)

  • Sponsors and participates in the "Putt the Kids First" golf tournament
  • Kid's Chance of Arkansas Charity Golf Tournament

Marble Falls, Texas
(Calcium Carbonate)

  • Land adjacent to the operation was leased to the city of Marble Falls for no cost and is being used as a community-wide bike and hike trail.
  • Donates calcium carbonate to be used as line markers on athletic fields in the surrounding community
  • Donations to the Marble Falls High School athletic and music programs 

To learn more about how HEM employees help others in the communities where we operate, Contact Us.


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Every day, there are countless Huber employees going about their work in a way that reflects well on the Huber Principles."

---Mike Marberry, President & CEO